Usually when we pass the road test our license gets mailed to us within a week. Somehow my license didn't make it even after 3 weeks had passed. Now this got us concerned since my temporary permit was about to expire. So I had to call the RMV to find out what was happening.
Have any of you tried calling the RMV? It's one dreadful process. If you are lucky you will get to hear a human voice after about half an hour. Till then you keep hearing how important your call is to them. The way I see it is if our call is so important why don't they put a few more people to answer our calls? Anyway with no great enthusiasm I called up and was told that my address was not recorded fully. I gave my address and waited eagerly for my license.
One fine evening the much awaited letter was received from RMV. I opened it eagerly only to be shocked to see that they had mailed me someone else's license :( The best part was that they had included a letter stating that they were sorry about the delay and that my address had been updated in their system. While that letter was comforting, I had another call to make to RMV.
The next day again I called them to let them know I had got the wrong license and they assured me that my license was on its way. As a good samaritan I promised to mail the wrong license back to them. After all one more person must be equally worried about their missing license. Fortunately 2 days later someone turned up at the doorstep with my license. It had gone to his house by mistake and I had got his. Phew... At last I had my precious license. Does this call for a celebration or what???