March 20, 2008


Today evening while I sat reading a book I happened to look outside the window. I was just fascinated by the sight that met my eyes - the beauty of sunset. The dimming rays of light were giving a golden tint to everything that they touched - the leaves, branches, grass and even the garbage bin.

Sunrise and sunset are the most beautiful occurrences each day. I've captured more sunsets than sunrise (since I'm not a very early waker). This sunset made me revisit my photo collection to enjoy the sunsets I had managed to capture.

Hopkinton Park (Frozen lake)

Hopkinton Park

Hopkinton Park

On our way back from Harvard


Sriram said...

nice shots.. time for a DSLR ? :)

Aparna said...

thanks :)
still in the infant stage.. need to progress some more before dslr :)